What if you knew you would have more room for positive interactions with your child if you set consistent boundaries?
What if your child would be more more popular and socially integrated if you gave him or her kind but firm guidance and direction?
What if your parenting experience could be made easier if you healed your own childhood wounds, those that block you from implementing parameters your child is asking for?
What if you could heal your past and find freedom to set clear boundaries with your child to foster security, trust and space for more joy and peace in your homelife?
What if your mealtimes, bedtime, getting dressed and going places could be simplified and occasional bumps could be resolved without too much stress and strain?
What if you were the author of your life, creating a family culture like you've dreamed about, embracing authority in your role as parent like wearing a beautiful, loosely fitting and comfortable cloak?
What if you, your partner and your child loved that cloak and you wore it with dignity?