When I visited my 95-year-old father-in-law in Germany last fall, he enjoyed being with people reminiscing but never seemed more vital than when we were all singing his old favorite songs. There is a song about the power of music that you might know:
All things must perish from under the sky.
Music alone shall live, music alone shall live, music alone shall live,
Never to die.
In these days of technology, we can all have access to any song sung by a perfectly-pitched voice at the push of a button. They are, however, the voices of strangers and young children who are not yet critical are hungry for authenticity, even in its imperfection.
Recall an early childhood memory that involved singing. Can you remember the mood that was created?
Regardless of comments about your voice over the years, do you sing? How often? Does singing bring you joy?
When you take a car trip, it's a great time to sing with your family. Could you find a song book or compile your own for the adults and older children to bring on your trips? It's a fun way to pass the time together.
Another time besides travelling when people traditionally have sung is when working. Do you know any "work" songs? How about "I've been working on the railroad."?
Do you think that there is a basic repetoire of songs that everyone needs to know? If so, make a list and start singing them with your children so they will can learn them, too.