Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Preparing the Nest
My husband and I have enjoyed watching birds nest and birth babies in the grape arbor over our deck. We have seen them gather materials to fluff up the nest in spring when they return to it after the winter. When we hear the high-pitched peeping of the hungry babies, we watch the mama and papa birds gather and distribute food into their open mouths. By the end of the outdoor season, the activity overhead ends and all the birds, including the little ones, have flown from the nest.
There is a lot of cooperation between mama and papa bird while they prepare the nest, feed their young, and then send them out to build their own nests. We, too are nest-builders here, considering what we do to prepare for the children to come. After meeting the parents, we receive an application and the process of clarifying dates and collecting paperwork begins. Most is done through email or the postal services so there is a period of little "face" contact. During this time, the teacher chooses a symbol for the child and prepares both shoe and clothing cubbies. In the office, our roster and staffing charts are adjusted. Contact and billing information is input. Teachers read the child's bio and begin imagining what the child might bring to the group. Then we all anticipate the cubby and starting date. All of this happens at the Center while the parents are gathering supplies, visiting the Doctor and marking the calendar. These are aspects of weaving the nest that will support the child upon arrival. Unlike watching a child play, sing a blessing before the meal, or snuggle into a teacher's lap, they are not especially warm or fun, but they are necessary. Some of the preparations are mandated by our licensor, some by the LifeWays model, and others by our own personal quality standards and procedures. These preparations prior to a child's first day, fortify our heartfelt expression of "Welcome, we are ready and have been waiting for you."
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